
Why Us

21 Reasons to choose us

Our company is recognized by the State and Central Government.
ISO Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company.
Value for money
Professional & trained security at an affordable rate, thereby giving you value for money.
Flexible budget option by offering tailor-made quotation as per your service level expectation and the budget you wish to spend on security.
remote monitoring
Remote monitoring of security guards through an app on their mobile.
Committed to resolving client complaints within 48 hours.
trust worthy
Modern outlook, vibrant, innovative, tech-savvy, and trustworthy company.
no association
No association with any labor union or political party.
strigent measures
Stringent measures for recruitment are implemented.
strictly superwises
ISF Security Guards are well-trained, neatly turned out in smart uniforms and strictly supervised.
Wages are paid to Security Guards on the 10th of every month through direct transfer to their bank account.
no money deduction
No unwarranted deductions from the wages of the guards, who when satisfied and happy will perform to their fullest potential.
safeguard interest
ISF Security undertakes Total statutory compliances to safeguard your interest.
additional manpower
Additional Manpower is arranged at short notice.
training schedule
Regular onsite training and refresher courses to adapt to day-to-day changes.
feedback and actions
Regular interaction by our senior operation personnel at different levels with the client for proper feedback and necessary action.
Day and night patrolling.
Immediate replacements for non-performance.
rotation of security
Rotation of security personnel as required by you.
work approach
Transparent and Professional approach in every aspect of our work.
Taking necessary measures to safeguard your interest at all times.

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